Support DH workers

They wake up early to commute to campus. They feed us every day. They make Emerson possible.

Emerson won’t commit to extending medical benefits and full pay for all of them through commencement.

The sudden closure of college campuses due to COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on university dining hall employees. Join us in supporting Unite Here Local 26’s efforts to get Northeastern, Brandeis, Lesley, Simmons, Colleges of the Fens, and Emerson College to follow MIT, Harvard, and Tufts University in extending medical benefits and full pay for dining hall workers through commencement.

How you can stand with university dining hall workers:

  • Phone bank with us on Wednesday telling Emerson to step up and support its employees. We provide phone numbers and a call script. Learn more about phone banking below!
  • Send a letter urging Northeastern, Brandeis, Lesley, Simmons, Colleges of the Fens, and Emerson College to support these workers. Tell them that students, faculty, and alumni are raising money for the workers that feed THEIR campuses.
  • Donate to help Boston area university dining hall workers impacted by COVID-19. Funds are used to help hospitality workers: maintain family health insurance coverage during layoffs or reduced hours; pay for food, rent, and utilities; replace wages lost due to reduced hours and tips; retrain for new jobs during the business downturn.

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How to Phone Bank:

It’s really easy! One call takes about 2 minutes, and most likely you will just be leaving voicemails.

Step 1: Sign up for a phone-banking time slot in the google sheet. It is set up so administrators get a call every 10 minutes. We are calling President Lee Pelton and the Vice President of Administration & Finance, Paul Dworkis.
Step 2: Call the numbers. We provide phone numbers and a script on the same google sheet where you sign up for a slot. Most likely, you will be leaving a message on their voicemail.
Step 3: Report how your call went. Fill out our anonymous google form telling us if you left a voicemail or, if they picked up, what they said.

Notes on phone banking:

  • Chances are, you’ll just be leaving a voicemail. We’ve done phone banks before, and it is very rare that the administrator actually answers the phone.
  • If the someone does answer the phone, you don’t have to talk to them beyond the script. Don’t feel pressured to hold a conversation with them unless you want to. You can always just read the script, say “thank you for your time,” and hang up. It’s also likely if someone does pick up that it will be their secretary, not the administrator.
  • If the administrator answers and reveals information to you or is rude, report it to us! We have an anonymous google form to collect call experiences. This helps us track how many calls were sent and how administrators responded. Please report your experience even if you just left a voicemail.

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